Vehicle Booking form for Individuals:

Plan Details:
Your Info:
Emergency Contact Person Details:

Vehicle Booking form for Businesses:

Plan Details:
Authorized Person Details:
Company Details: :
KYC Documents for Company:
Additional Details:

General Instructions
*All fields are mandatory.
  • Make sure you provide appropriate and valid information for all the fields to ensure a successful booking.
  • The documents uploaded must be valid and clearly visible.
  • Your uploaded selfie must include your entire face (both ears must be visible).
  • Image size should be between 10KB and 5MB.
  • After successful submission, it may take up to 24 hours for KYC and document verification.
  • The booked scooters must be collected from the mentioned dock locations only.
On-Wheels Instructions
  • Carry your Driver’s License (or a verified digital copy) at all times.
  • Always wear a helmet while riding a bike to ensure your safety.
  • Make sure you obey all the traffic rules.
  • Your vehicle must be parked in a parking zone only.